About Us

About us

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UIC Asian Computer Services Pte Ltd is a subsidiary of UIC Technologies Pte Ltd, which is 60% owned by United Industrial Corporation Ltd and 40% owned by Haw Par Corporation Ltd, both of which are listed in the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading.

UIC Asian Computer Services Pte Ltd, was established in 1982 as a Network Integrator focusing on hardware and network infrastructure. In October 2000, UIC Technologies Pte Ltd merged with Asian Computer Services Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of Haw Par Corporation Ltd.

Our Mission Our Vision

To provide quality IT Solutions and Services that will enhance customers competitiveness and a conducive environment for employees to develop and excel with the company.

To be a Premium IT Service Provider in the region with satisfied customers and a company where employees are proud to be a part of.

Best Awarded Company
We adapt our delivery to the way your work, whether as an external provider.
Our Management Principle

Guiding Strategy, Empowering People, Achieving Success

We work with an Open Door Policy where staffs are free to discuss their issues with any member of the management team. The Open Door Policy allows for openness, mutual trust and respect and improvement in performance and productivity.
Team Work is essential for the success of any project or business undertaking  Here we emphasize on teamwork as the delivery of various products requires the cooperation of various departments'  Teamwork also helps to improve communications across the organization.
Employees are empowered to make decisions on various work matters. By being empowered employees are able to develop their management skills as well as take on further responsibility. This also allows them to develop their leadership skills.
Managers and Supervisors are actively encouraged to be role models in the organization. By setting the right examples, staffs are encouraged to emulate the role models to achieve success in their careers with the right set of behaviors.
It is important for all to understand that we live up to our words. If we make certain promises, then we have to live up to it. This is a principle for us to uphold at all times. Hence, in all our actions we must uphold the "Walk the Talk"principle.

In anything that we do, honesty, integrity and mutual respect should be the main guiding principles of our actions. The failure by any staff to uphold these principles may render the staff to very severe disciplinary action. These principles are fundamentals and should never be compromised in anyway whatsoever.

Our employees are often required to go the extra mile in performing their jobs. Hence it is important that we appreciate their efforts through simple gestures of appreciation or feedback. The Company also provides incentives for employees who have gone the extra mile in performing their jobs.
Team Spirit
Customer Commitment

Exceeding Expectations,
Building Trust

We must always adopt a customer first attitude, whenever we are dealing with our customers as this will result in repeat business for the company.
We must always provide value-added services to our customers as this will provide the customer with better services than our competitors can deliver.
It is important for us to provide specialized customized services to meet our customer's needs as almost all IT jobs are different and may require specialized needs due to various reasons. The fact that we are able to do this is a competitive advantage to us.

Few of Our Client’s feedback of users!

Clients Reviews:
Our Employees

Exceeding Expectations,
Building Trust

The Company aims to provide a conducive working environment for all staff to grow and excel so as to achieve success. This is done through the provision of a healthy and physical environment as well as various schemes to ensure that employees are protected and nurtured to achieve success.
Work-life balance is an important aspect of the Company as we understand the need for employees to balance their work and personal life. Hence the Company has developed various work-life balanced schemes for its employees.
We emphasize on training and development to ensure that our employees are updated and trained to perform the necessary jobs as well as to prepare for future responsibilities
We operate on a fair employment basis to ensure that we recruit employees based on their suitability.
We do not tolerate any form of discrimination be it sexual, physical, mental or other harassment of any kind to our employees, whether from our own staff or others.
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